"Is it Really Possible to tell someone else what one feels?" Leo Tolstoy Anna Karenina
3:30 am & at first it is a scene within my deep asleep moving dream, the tapping of tiny raindrops upon the rooftop. My eyes work their way open. Ahhh. the gentle lull of rain falling through the dark silence, one of my favorite things. Lying there concentrating upon the rhythm, I suddenly find myself moving toward the sound. Navigating to & out of the front door, One Cold Drop upon my foot & I am fully awake. I am tempted to turn & run back into the warmth, back into the comfort of an awaiting blanket, but not today. Today, forward seems to be the more intriguing motion. Bare feet upon chilly cement & with each step I am becoming drenched. With each drop of rain I am becoming more sensitive to the cold & of a chilling wind moving across me, moving right through me. My eyelashes lower, obscuring the view as the falling moisture forces them closed. As drops fall within the creases of my skin, I realize the curve of my arms, the bend of my knees & the space between my toes. I am aware. The heaviness of some drops as they pounce upon my head in strict contrast to the lighter ones which softly brush against my face while being carried away by the wind...I am aware.
I am aware of me.
I am aware of the fact that I rarely choose to be aware of anything.
Why do we grow up & forget to feel?
May You Get Drenched Today
Hepburn Hugs & Ric Ocasek Dreams
Birdee Bow