"Risk isn't a word in my vocabulary. It's my very existence.." SLASH
I have often joked that I live my life backward...with my pants on fire while wearing arm floaters. YES quite a humorous visual, but also exhaustive, confusing with sprinkles here & there of confetti mania. When I awoke this morning my head was filled with the opening words for a poem I'm writing entitled, No, I can't Swim, but I'm a damn good dancer. Writing all the things I truly am horrible at ( i.e. swimming) also forced me to think about all the things I truly am ok at. I think dancing is one of them along with sass. (I've got the button down on sass) But I never knew I was also good at The SLASH.
Recently perusing over LinkedIn I found it to be a true nightmare for me. Writing out the laundry list of my varied skills slash experience seemed to resemble The Carnival Life much more than I had imagined. After looking over many other LinkedIn accounts they all seem so serious & so seriously pulled together. Boy goes to college at 18 receives PHD at 24 begins outlandishly successful career by 25; Now owns small island called Manhattan. I'm amazed by it. Truly. In fact so amazed I forgot it existed! I'm a fan. A fan whose mind does not compute the same. I mean it started out simple enough... country girl goes to college to become psychology major maybe teacher. I'm not sure how that turned into strange girl becomes sideshow act slash writer slash model slash rock singer slash songwriter slash ice cream scooper slash entrepreneur. I never realized I was such a SLASHER! Who knew? Maybe there's hidden strength in the slash? At any rate, I think we slashers gotta stick together..
Can I get a HECK YEH! Slash OMG! Slash...
Hepburn Wishes & Ric Ocasek Dreams
Birdee Bow