Saturday, September 10, 2011

FeedForward In Fashion

"It's Your Thing. Do What You Wanna Do"
The Isley Brothers
Feedback. We want it. We love it. Ok, occasionally we hate it, but whether or not we choose to keep it or just leave it? One thing is for certain, we'll ALWAYS be getting it. Most of the time it's free & unsolicited, like a lovingly placed parking ticket upon your windshield or a swell acne breakout a few hours before prom pix. On other occasions it's like a surprise heartshaped sandwich in your lunch box or finding a five dollar bill when slipping your hand into the pocket of last year's winter jacket. Good, bad, great or hideous, I guess the real question here is; Do we Need So Much Of It?
When accounting for time spent receiving feedback, I find it to be a rather staggering amount. This could be partly because I'm a songwriter & performer & that's just part of the game, or maybe  it's the new trend regarding all things in general. Quite frankly? I find it creepy. When did we become so conditioned to await the ever mysterious Nod of approval? When did the "go ahead" factor become so important?  When did we start believing that life is in dire need of a Green light?

At every turn, around every corner, the self proclaimed experts appear, eagerly waiting to bestow a treasure trove of fortune known as (insert ultra cheesy Echo & Reverb sound effects here) FEEDBACK
I challenge you to put pen to paper & write down the last few tidbits of feedback you've received.
No really, I did this & I found it to be the best comedic relief I've had in months.
Definitely something about putting it down in black & white that brings it all into perspective. Writing it out helps to declutter the mind & free up some memory space, so that we can get back to fueling it with fabulous ;)

Dread it, Dig it or Run Away from it, feedback is here to stay but FeedForward is making a very fashionable & much needed comeback.
A Snappy Little Comeback


Bring It
Hepburn Hugs & Van Halen Dreams
Birdee Bow