Sunday, March 11, 2012

Moons, Stars & The Infinity of ONE

"Aim for the moon. If you miss?
 You may hit a star"      
W. Clement Stone

Jupiter has 66 moons!  The proud owner of the largest number of moons, having more orbits than any other planet within The Solar System.  That's an astonishing thought & a delightfully overwhelming idea now isn't it?  I, however,  must admit I am barely able to fully experience the breathtaking beauty of one moon on any one given night.  Spying on the moon is an event I look forward to, something I treasure with sheer serenity.  Yep, serenity & a loooooong deep breath at the end of the evening.  A primal kinda *sigh* to remind me that I am remind me that all of my worries? All of my frets? All of my shoulda coulda wouldas?  Oh, yess! The moon has already seen 'em, heard 'em, watched 'em all unfold a million times before and it never ceases to keep on shining.  Shinin' right through it all.
66 of them? Hmmmm possibly an endless beauty beyond measure, or maybe there is more power in one..??
Thinking tonight about the beauty of One.
The special of One.
The joy of One.
How much there is to learn from One.
The Mystery of One.
The Energy of One.
One unstoppable belief.
One moment.

One Awesome Cute pair of shoes...
One positive thought.

One kind word.

One act of love.
One beating Heart
The Beautiful Infinity of Just One

Straight To The Moon & Back

Birdee Bow