Thursday, March 21, 2013

Holding Patterns

"She was a girl who knew how to be happy, even when she was sad..& that's important - you know."
Marilyn Monroe

One gorgeous sunny afternoon while flying the friendly skies I heard that dreaded announcement one never really hopes to hear while at 20,000 feet.  "Ladies & Gentlemen we've been notified there's a landing back up. We'll be in a holding pattern for a bit.  We'll keep you posted."  I imagined the plane like a huge jet propelled waiting room in the air, just circling around & around killing time in the clouds.  As I felt the warm sun shining through the window & across my shoulders, I turned another page of Vogue.  "Relax",  I said to myself with a huge breath & a looong exhale.  I started taking a closer look at my cabin neighbors, the sort of second look I had not even thought of taking a few moments before.  I'm sure the minutes between the pilot's announcement  & the actual prepare for landing call were 15 to 20 at most, but it's amazing how those seconds seem to feel like hours.  And although time kept slowly inching along at snail speeds?  Eventually, a funny thing happened.. I began to become more comfortable, more at ease with the situation. Forgetting what was taking place, I was happily oblivious in the holding pattern.

Reflecting on that event now, I can't help but think of the holding patterns of life.
Isn't it interesting how we sometimes stay just a little bit too long or hold on just a little bit too tight?  At all costs we become accustomed to the patterns, somehow finding solace in the infinite circles that bring us back to the same results again & again.   Is their familiarity in the loops?  I'm not sure, but I think it has a lot less to do with human nature & a lot more to do with human spirit.  We're fighters.  Survivors.  It's what we do.  We wanna take our circumstances & turn them into bright & shiny chances.  Ok, so sometimes enough is enough..circles eventually have to stop.  But I love the idea that holding patterns, even in their most languid state, can result in:  RESILIENCE.

Maybe a little dizziness is a small price to pay, if it gets us where we wanna go.

Wishing you circles that turn into roads that lead to your happiness..

Hepburn Hugs & Ric Ocasek Dreams


Birdee Bow

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