Monday, July 11, 2011

"No One likes Ringo Starr.. That's What I LOVE about Him!"  Summer (500 days of Summer)
Perception: The process of attaining awareness or understanding of the environment by organizing & interpreting sensory information.

I'm quite familiar with the term perception & until recently I thought I had full understanding of it's true meaning. Throwin' it around in sentences here & there & using it to sum up inexplicable situations hmmmm yeh, but apparently my version of most situations?  Yep, you got.  Just My Own Perception 
It's a crazy concept when you think about it.  The fact that all these signals in our nervous system, resulting from previous experiences, not only lead the way but paint the picture of our very future. I don't mind telling you that I don't like that very much.   So, I'm declaring today CLEAN it OUT & Let it go day.  Going through my preconceived notions & picking through perceptions like last years platform sneakers, argyle cashmere sweaters & a 2008 Juicy Couture track suit or two. Yes, some of them I'll be keeping cause they're dead-on classics, but most of it?
 Goin' right into the proverbial trash can .

Wishing You a Heart Open to New Adventures
& a Summer of Seeing Things In A New Light

& bubbles lots of bubbles

Hepburn Hugs & McQueen Dreams


Birdee Bow