Friday, April 20, 2012

Megaphone A la Mode

I find it more than a bit amusing that the French term "a la mode" means everything Chic & In Fashion.  When in the U.S.?  We automatically think of pie with ice cream on the side:)  Maybe that says something about our culture or maybe it just says something about pie always being in fashion.  I'm a fan of pie always being in fashion..

I once met a great indie band on the road called Semidivine.   I think they are no longer together, but I can still remember one of their fabulous songs.  It was called Megaphone.

Stellar Lyrics:

"Put it out there with a megaphone; put it out there when you're all alone.  Put it out there for the  world to see.  Put it out there when your heart's in need..  Wake them up" 

I love the power packed into such a seemingly simplistic line.  It kinda says it all.  Don't we all often wish we  could just FIRE UP the megaphone!?  Say it like we feel it.  No judgement, no repercussion.  Shout it out for the entire world to hear.  Get it OFF our chest & then let it go...  

So today?  I am imagining my little megaphone (it's super cute yellow with a black racing stripe)  This is MY fantasy so play along.  I'm walking out into the middle of Time's Square NYC: gold strappy sandals & this brand new fabu salmon mod dress..(Wha? fashion is always part of my fantasies) & then?  Beltin it OUT with a huge " Listen up WORLD cuz I got SOMETHIN to SAY!!
Then the fantasy ends with me eating Cherry Pie A la Mode & feeling entirely fashionable with the someone who makes me smile soooooo hard it makes my face hurt.


Hepburn Hugs & Ric Ocasek Dreams,


Birdee Bow

1 comment:

  1. searching for a photo of bluebonnets and drawn to your site by the title - love it!

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    Many blessings...J
