Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Living: OUT LOUD

As I made my way around the corner of Sunset & Wilcox, I felt the urgency to run.  75% of  me wanted to bolt in the opposite direction, while the other 25 was just curious enough to want to keep goin' forward.  The air was thick with anticipation,  it was a Hollywood smog cloud heavy with the type of nervous energy known for catapulting a performance into epic success or plummeting it straight into catastrophe.
 I joined the line... a long winding version of trendy guys in straw hats & neatly trimmed beards with fingers tappin' out rhythms onto tattered, weathered guitar cases. Intermingled between them were equally fabu gals decked out in brightly colored floral tattoos & an array of silver body jewels glistening in the California sun.   I passed the time applying & re-applying various shades of shimmery pink lip gloss; catchin' a glimpse of the gathering talent growing behind me while staring into the reflection of my tiny Audrey Hepburn compact mirror. 
 We all finally entered the studio doors, like so many cattle crossing a cattle guard.  I felt much less like a number than I had anticipated.  Maybe a sense of ease descended upon me because it wasn't my first rodeo?  Or maybe (& more likely)  it was because I was tired of the waiting,  hungry for french toast & seriously just ready to get it over & done with.  Funny, how in a surreal moment like that, the very last thing you'd expect to  hear is the voice of reason.  I assume that's what the voice of  reason was designed for?  Poppin' up with the element of surprise, settin' the cerebral record straight.
"Live Out LOUD.  This IS your life."
It  would have been really cool if it was accompanied by the voice of Morgan Freeman when it flashed across my brain in marquis format, but it sounded a lot more like little 'ole me.  The goofy, nervous giggly side of me who sometimes likes to envision the world as a comedic tragedy.  A tragedy with a happy ending & a cast of unlikely heroes. 

     lived  it
         louded it...
                  It felt like:   A L I V E 

                                                         Alive is Good

Hepburn Hugs & Ric Ocasek Dreams,

Birdee Bow