Wednesday, October 26, 2011

glitter snow angels & snappy slope ensembles..

                                             view from my window 10/26/11
"When I no longer thrill at the first snow of the season.. I'll know I'm growing old. "
                                                             Lady Bird Johnson

There's something about the first snow of the season in a mountain town that makes me feel like every thing's gonna be ok.  It's a beautifully quiet calm in a sea of white serenity where all seems new again.  Ok, so it's also cold, seriously  annoying to get around in, completely inconvenient & something for which I never feel quite prepared. I admit I'm completely uneasy about the whole letting go of Autumn thing & falling into winter often feels more like a super hero style leap rather than the soft & gentle backward tumble of the snow angel scene in
Love Story.
The first snowfall of the year has a way of making me feel small; small in the sense that life continues on in a forward motion whether or not I'm ready for it.  Whether I've reached concrete conclusions about the past or desired decisions about the future or whether or not I've even yet to reach for the North Face jacket in the back of the closet..yep,
 winter won't be waitin'

I hate to say it but,
She's ruthless..

She could NOT care less.
So, to her I'll just say, 
"Bring it!"
Oh, but first I'll say somethin' like, 
"Ima show you how quick a stylish girl can pull it all together"

(ok & then I'll say "Bring it!", but with a lot of attitude & in some super chic Hepburn inspired ensemble for the slopes)

Wishing you only decisions that light up your heart & perfectly outlined snow glitter
Oooo yes, snow angels outlined in Glitter

Hepburn Hugs & Ric Ocasek dreams
Birdee Bow