Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Designer Moments

I noticed the energy of his entrance long before I noticed the man himself.   From a peripheral view, I saw a very busy, small shadow of a man standing inside the store window,  "Glory of a Day we're having isn't it?"  It was indeed a warm, cloudy day with storm showers in the forecast, but the sun was still beaming through.  He went on,  "I'm only in town for a few days & not particularly in a shopping mood, but this window display lured me in.  The placement of the floral umbrellas is pure genius!  I must have one!"  his voice was booming & self assured.

With the deliberation of a man on a mission he sauntered his way toward me, "Pardon me Miss",  It was the type of precise diction usually attributed to an upper echelon character in a Truman Capote novel,  "Might I trouble you to hand me that umbrella just behind you?  The one with the huge painted gardenia?"  As I reached to pick up the umbrella, I finally really saw him.  A man of average height, mid to late 60's, but with an even older & wiser presence. He had the definite distinction of a world traveler who had most likely shopped the most fabulous stores around the world.  Impeccable shoes.  Shiny enough that one could instantly identify finite leather details & the most unique color of Burnt Cognac.

Stooping in toward the umbrella I suddenly noticed he might not be the only one fond of  the Gardenia pattern. A small bumble bee began to buzz near my hand.  As I jumped back, he interjected "OH MY!  It's such an authentic painted Gardenia that even Nature has been fooled!"  With resounding laughter, he continued, "step aside, lovely girl, you should never be bothered with such things".  I watched as he seamlessly escorted the bumble bee to the front door & it flew away.

He made his purchase, bid his farewells & then disappeared with the same enigmatic style with which he had entered.


a signature upon a small receipt just lying on the counter

 It could NOT be.  The man whose fabulous designs have made me drool like a kid in a candy store while staring at Weitzman Window displays from Manhattan to LA??
No WAY.  It Couldn't be. IT ABSOLUTELY Could NOT BE.

Ohhhh but it Could  =)

Hepburn Hugs & Stuart Weitzman Wishes


Birdee Bow

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